Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Watch out for:

So I did my accessories shoot yesterday and all went well. I ended up doing 6 cropped pictures and one full length shot. Here's a sneeky look behind the scenes at just a couple of the shots:


So onto other things... I've been working on  a focus called watch this space for this coming weekend. its all about promoting those brands that a lot of people wont have heard of. Everyone Knows the Topshops and H&Ms of this world but theres so much more out there that needs to be seen. One of my favourite brands at the moment is Never Fully Dressed. It was created by an East End girl and is full of wearable yet ultra girly designs with vintage influences thrown in. If you haven't checked it out then do! (

Another of my newest favourite brands is Studio Nicholson. They've got the androgynous look down to a tee and i'll definitely be sporting some of their clothes this Autumn. The Androgynous trend is going to be big for next season so if I was you id check it out (


  1. oooh i discovered never fully dressed last week x

  2. Oooh I really like this Studio Nicholson! Never heard of it before, thanks for the intro!! Lovely blog btw, you totes have a new follower x

    South Molton St Style
